The Medical and Dental Council this year 2022 published the maiden edition of the Specialist Register that is, a list of Specialists who have registered their specialist qualifications with the Council based on the Council’s Specialist Register Policy.

Practitioners who have not yet indicated their willingness to be on the Specialist Register are reminded to do so by completing the appropriate forms as indicated below:

  1. Practitioners who have already registered their specialist qualifications as additional qualifications but have not completed the specialist form are to complete MDCG Form 3/2,
  2. Practitioners who are yet to register their specialist qualifications as additional qualifications are to complete form MDCG Form 3/1 for the registration of their specialist qualifications as additional qualifications and for their placement on the Specialist Register.

Practitioners who have additional qualifications that are not specialist professional qualifications are to complete form MDCG FORM 3

The specialist and sub-specialist qualifications as recognized by Council are attached below for your information.

Please take note and act accordingly.


  1. Download the appropriate form
  2. Complete the form
  3. Scan and upload the completed form and email it to: [email protected]
  4. If you require any assistance, contact the Registration Unit via Tel: 0303967261, WhatsApp: 0500037713 (TEXT ONLY)
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